The global context pushes more and more towards a reduction in the consumption of all resources, in the first place of water.
The closure of the cycles and the cascade recovery require the application of the best technologies for the treatment of incoming water and the purification and recovery of wastewater and groundwater.
CST has always not limited itself to proposing specific solutions for water treatment (whether primary or effluent), but its vocation is to analyze the water cycle in a company and find solutions, often not so evident, for the reduction of consumption and discharges through optimization and recovery.
Alongside proven technologies of chemical-physical clarification, filtration on various media, resin demineralization and reverse osmosis, it is precisely the technology of membranes that can change the water balance of a company.
CST collaborates with the main world distributor of membranes for ultrafiltration, osmosis and EDI to size and build fixed and skid systems, including mobile ones.
CST also carries out pilot tests on new technologies in the field of wastewater treatment to offer a range of state-of-the-art solutions to its customers.
Solid / liquid separations are fundamental operations for water treatment and can be carried out with various measures:
CST is able to identify the best technology for the individual case
Filtri a sabbia quarzifera su acqua di fiume - 2015
Particolare di un sedimentatore lamellare
Raschiafanghi di ispessitore in impianto trattamento polveri
Filtrazione reflui su sabbia qurazifera e GAC
Campana sedimentatore
Canalette radiali di sfioro
Particolare di ingresso e uscita in sedimentatore circolare
Vessel filtria sabbia acciaio al carbonio
Posizionamento sedimentatore circolare
Impianto filtrazione su sabbia quarzifera e GAC, 3 sezioni per 18 filtri
Ugelli codolo lungo
Batteria filtrazione in PVDF su acque di processo
Particolare piastra portauguelli filtro GAC
Scarico batteria di lavoro filtri a sabbia prefabbricata in officina
The separation of free and emulsified oils is often a difficult problem to solve, especially due to the discontinuity of operating conditions. Usually it deals with the use of:
Based on the needs of the individual case, the optimal solution is identified.
Impianto disoleazione su skid con finitura su sabbia quarzifera e GAC
Separatore termostatato acque oleose
Aggiunta di una sezione di disoleazione per postflottazione ad una unità IAF
The dosage of chemicals is often essential for obtaining the best performance of a plant, so much so that the lack of chemical dosage is one of the most frequent causes of malfunctioning of a water treatment plant.
CST has gained a long experience in the chemical treatment of water, so it is able to provide devices and systems capable of maximizing the reliability and safety of the process, for example through:
Deferrizzatore atmosferico per acque di pozzo
Impianto trattamento acque acidule
Dosaggio e controllo ipoclorito di sodio
Serbatoi ipoclorito e PAC in bacini contenimento
Reattore di clorazione agitato in in gresso a IWT
Preparatore automatico polielettrolita
Stoccaggio e dosaggio soda
Trattamento vasche contenimento acidi
Dosatrice acido con cilindro di taratura
Gruppo di dosaggio
The use of ion exchange resins is gradually decreasing in industrial plants, especially due to the use of chemical products that affect both safety in the workplace and the environmental impact of the site. Think of sodium cycle resins for water softening, but also of acid and basic cycle ion exchange resins for total or selective demineralization of water.
Obviously there is a series of special cases in which this technology is still the best solution, without forgetting the need to maintain the systems already installed and still in efficient service.
CST is able to create and maintain demineralization systems with ion exchange resins.
Addolcitore a monte di osmosi inversa
Impianto di demineralizzazione su resine a scambio ionico
Addolcitore automatico
CST carries out the sizing and selection of an evaporative cooling tower through information and skills that refer to a series of specific boundary conditions for the individual case, including:
Torri di raffreddamento su impiato di ozonizzazione
Raffreddamento acque di ingresso impianto biologico
Torre raffreddamento in cartiera 2019
Installazione torre di raffreddamento in raffineria
Torre di raffreddamento con filtrazione del reintegro in ambiente classificato
Torre di raffreddamento con ventilatori centrifughi
Impianto biologico su reflui di cartiera
Trattamento reflui con ossidazione biologica in petrolchimico
Centrifuga fanghi biologici
Vasca di ossidazione impianto biologico
Gruppo aerazione modulante
Sedimentatore fanghi biologici
Test diffusione ossigeno
Diffusori ossigeno in vasca bio
Ossidazione in ambiente petrolifero
CST has developed significant experience in the field of "pump and treat" systems for groundwater containing various types of pollutants:
In many cases, through the study of the customer's water network, it was possible to reuse the treated water in the production process, obtaining evident advantages from both an authorization and image point of view.
Impianto trattamento falda in area portuale n.6 piezometri.
Gruppo di arrivo con misura e contabilizzazione portate
Filtri GAC e filtro a quarzite
Impianto TAF rimozione cromati
Data logger
Impianto TAF abbattimento cromati
Impianto TAF